Opening Times: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

+447 455 600 698, +234705 406 4706

Liverpool, Lagos

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    Fire safety engineering offers an alternative focused approach to building design, that ensures the structure and its occupants are as safe from the dangers of fire as can be reasonably expected; rather than simply ensuring that it complies with a design document. Our aim is to incorporate tailored fire safety engineering solutions so that an acceptable level of safety is provided. Fire safety engineering can incorporate the most appropriate methods of fire protection (from a host of engineering techniques) which will help to minimise the impact of fire on the building, take advantage of real cost efficiencies and ultimately improve overall resilience and safety.


    The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires the Responsible Person to develop general fire precautions for their premises, including the provision of a fire risk assessment. The fire risk assessment should consider all aspects of fire within the premises and set out what should be done to keep people safe. Fire risk assessments are not just a legal requirement, they can be time consuming, complex, often require specialist knowledge and opinion; so we understand it can be a difficult task to get right and properly maintain. Hence we have a team dedicated to keeping you, your employees and visitors to your premises safe by conducting Fire Risk Assessments. Our FRAs are an honest, impartial and thorough assessment which reviews the current standards of fire safety in your building. The general areas we will help you with when it comes to your fire risk assessment include: The various types of premises and their needs when it comes to fire risk assessment • Common areas that need to be considered for residential or non-business accommodation • Shops and offices and any special things that need to be done for those situations • Hotel inspections and assessments that need to be done for any other sleeping accommodation • Residential care premise inspections and reviews • Educational premises reviews and inspections • Meeting halls, churches, theatres, and other places of assembly • Outdoor event centres and stages • Developing fire escape plans for all premises and facilities • Healthcare premises and facilities • Transportation premises and facilities


    We develop fire strategies that addresses the specific fire risks that may exist within a building. Projects gain the greatest value when IFC work with designers to develop the strategies in alignment with early building plans. However, in some cases our clients just need credible support in order to revise existing plans and gain approval for a design that doesn’t yet comply with standard fire safety codes; or they are conducting renovation work which means that pre-existing strategies need to be reviewed and updated. The fire strategy will also refer to any fire engineering solutions and analysis used to formulate the report’s conclusions, such as computer modelling, structural fire engineering or radiation analysis. If required our reports can also inform on how the standards of fire safety are to be maintained throughout all stages of the construction. This is particularly important when the work is being carried out while parts of the building are occupied. It also includes control measures to make sure ongoing maintenance is put in place and that the strategy remains effective for the life of the building.


    A premises inspection is required in order to ensure that all matters relating to fire safety fully comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. Our inspection provides an overview of your fire safety arrangements: • Requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. • Inspection of means of escape and maintenance thereof. • Effectiveness and maintenance of fire warning system. • Means of fighting fires effectively. • Effectiveness of fire fighting equipment. • Staff fire safety training – overview as to competence of fire safety personnel. • Risk of fire outbreak due to arson, terrorist activity and poor housekeeping. • Positioning of fire fighting equipment.